España Reloaded (Spain Reloaded) is one of the most important tourism event in the Iberian Peninsula : selected tour Operators and Travel Agents from 15 countries had the chance to discover the novelties that Spain has to offer for the cosmopolitan segment, as well as for discovering the wonders of Galicia.
Driven by Turespaña,Oficina Espanola de Turismo and Tourism of Galicia, The event took place from 4 to 8 October 2017 in the evocative setting of Illa Da Toxa in Galicia, wonderful region located to the north of the Iberian Peninsula.
Spain Reloaded : schedule of the event
The event consisted of
– a workshop that took place in the Grand Hotel de la Toja
– conferences and round tables about sustainability, demand segmentation policies in mature European markets and improvement of economic and social sustainability to boost cosmopolitan clientele
The representative of the institutions that took part at the event were : Javier Rodríguez Destrezas, Deputy Director General of Strategy and Services to the Tourism Sector of Turespaña; Féliz Paz García-Diz, Director of the Spanish Tourism Office in Miami; the founder of Made fuere Spain and Portugal, Virginia Irurita Bertolo; Francisco González López, President of the Galician Tourism Cluster; and Francisco González López, Deputy Director General of Food Promotion of the Ministry of Agriculture.
Spain Reloaded : ILC among the best italian tour operators summoned for the event
ILC was selected among the best tour operators in Italy in order to attend the event, due to the presence of Spanish market experts in its team ; consultants to whom you can always rely for exclusive travel experiences in the the Iberian Peninsula.
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